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  • Posted by: The Social Bliss
Social Bliss

Most new business owners have questions about social media best practices. The short answer is: It all depends on you and the product or services you offer. I’ve rounded up five pain points entrepreneurs might experience when it comes to starting social media. Keep reading to find out how to solve them and enter the business social media world with confidence.

Which social media platform is best for my business?

More is not always better, so don’t feel pressured to be on every social media platform. Do some research to find out which platforms your target audience uses. If your customers skew older, focus on Facebook and LinkedIn. For a younger audience, stick with TikTok and Instagram. More research will give you a better understanding of where to find your clients. If it feels overwhelming, think about it in brick-and-mortar terms. If you were to choose a store location, you would be selective about the neighborhood, right? Who lives there, what do they like, what do they spend their time doing, does your product appeal to them, or solve a problem they regularly experience? It’s the same principle with social media platforms!

What do I post on my accounts?

Your business line will determine your content topic, but you will also want to do some research. It will require some fieldwork, but don’t fret – it’s easy. There are two general ways to go about researching what to post. The first is trial and error, which is the name of the game in social media marketing and then studying similar accounts. Are you selling clothes? Find other fashion brands on social media, see what they’re posting, how often, and don’t plagiarize but use their success to guide your own business choices.

How often do I need to post?

More than anything – be consistent. Your community will be more likely to become just that if you develop a regular cadence for posting. As for the specifics, this will be something you play around with, trial and error style, to see what works best for your business. The consensus is that 3-5 times a week is a solid starting place for posting content. Eventually, once you feel comfortable and have enough material, you can post daily!

Where should I invest my resources?

Time and money go hand in hand. There are a few tricks to make the most of both when it comes to social media. The biggest game-changer is a social media scheduler like Hootsuite or Buffer. These sites allow you to schedule all of your social media posts in advance and plans typically start in the $15/month range. This way, you can create all your content in one sitting, schedule it out, and then focus on community management during the month – much better use of your time. Money does talk when it comes to social media. Instead of 10 posts that will reach 30 people, pay to boost posts on Facebook and Instagram so that three ads will reach a thousand people, and bring them to your website! Work smarter, not harder.

How do I keep up with social media trends?

If you don’t have the time to stay updated on the latest trends in social media, then you need to find someone who does. Hire a social media intern who can learn and grow with your business or hire a seasoned professional to hit the ground running and take off with your content. This person or team should be well versed in the social media best practices to aid you in steering your ship in the right direction. This individual may not be an in-person relationship; you can get excellent service with a company just like this one.

As an entrepreneur, you’re no stranger to research and practice. That’s all it takes to get the hang of social media and digital marketing. Comment below with other questions you have about the social media world!

Author: The Social Bliss